Branding and Creative

Looking to build a new brand or bring your existing one back to life? Our proven process brings the identity, recognition, and trust you need to succeed!


Looking to build a new brand or bring your existing one back to life? Our proven process brings the identity, recognition, and trust you need to succeed!

Tell Your Great Story!

Creating a brand is more that just coming up with a catchy name and a logo. It's about building your identity as a business and creating an emotional response in the people that come to know you. Branding separates you from competitors and when it's done right, your brand will come to represent the essence of your company over time. Here are just a few outcomes of good brand development:

  • Becomes your identity and makes your business unique
  • Positions your company in the marketplace
  • Becomes what your company is all about
  • Builds trust and credibility
  • Creates emotional ties with prospects and customers

For some, branding seems like a softer aspect of marketing, but it's definitely not! It must be thoughtful, intuitive, and consistent. One of the biggest mistakes we see is companies not using their brand exactly the same way in their marketing. Many variations of logos, random taglines, changing brand colours at every turn. Doing these things causes confusion for your target audience and doesn't build on the power of reinforcement. Whatever size business you have, it's important to develop a standardized brand guide, and be disciplined about sticking to it.

Tell Your Story

Creating a brand is more that just coming up with a catchy name and a logo. It's about building your identity as a business and creating an emotional response in the people that come to know you. Branding separates you from competitors and when it's done right, your brand will come to represent the essence of your company over time. Here are just a few outcomes of good brand development:

  • Becomes your identity and makes your business unique
  • Positions your company in the marketplace
  • Becomes what your company is all about
  • Builds trust and credibility
  • Creates emotional ties with prospects and customers

For some, branding seems like a softer aspect of marketing, but it's definitely not! It must be thoughtful, intuitive, and consistent. One of the biggest mistakes we see is companies not using their brand exactly the same way in their marketing. Many variations of logos, random taglines, changing brand colours at every turn. Doing these things causes confusion for your target audience and doesn't build on the power of reinforcement. Whatever size business you have, it's important to develop a standardized brand guide, and be disciplined about sticking to it.

When you don't have the skills, expertise, or time in-house - we can help get your important marketing projects done skillfully, quickly, and cost-effectively.

What We Offer

Sometimes a brand needs a complete overhaul. Either it doesn't align with the needs of a company's target audience orit doesn't connect with them in a meaningful way. Whether, building the branding from scratch, doing a simple refresh of the look and feel, or refining the key messaging, we can help! Our services include:

  • A brand audit to assess whether or not your brand is on point
  • Creation or refining your value proposition and messaging
  • Full or partial development of your brand - your story, logo, colour schemes, fonts, etc.
  • Creating a brand guide to ensure your branding elements are used consistently
  • Training on the brand guide's use over time

Working with Think2Grow will help your company put its best foot forward. Inspire your customers with a great brand they will easily recognize, remember and be attracted to.

What We Offer

Sometimes a brand needs a complete overhaul because it doesn't align with the needs of a company's target audience. It doesn't connect with them in a meaningful way. Other time, it may involve a more simple refresh of the look and feel or the key messaging. In either situation, we can help. Our services include:

  • A brand audit to assess whether or not your brand is on point
  • The creation or refinement of your value proposition and messaging
  • Full or partial development of your brand - your story, logo, colour schemes, fonts, etc.
  • Creating a brand guide to ensure your branding elements are used consistently
  • Training on the brand guide's use over time

Working with Think2Grow will help your company put its best foot forward. Inspire your customers with a great brand they will easily recognize, remember and be attracted to.

How can we help? It starts with a simple, short conversation.