Email Marketing Programs

According to David Newman, "Email marketing has an ability many channels don’t: creating valuable, personal touches at scale." We couldn't agree more!

The Power of Email Marketing


. . . of business people prefer email as their primary communication vehicle in their work lives


. . . of B2B marketers state they’re using email marketing to drive website visits and sales


. .  more ROI compared to other marketing media - including social media, direct mail, and paid search

Mass email is not quite as easy as it was years ago when there was still a high degree of novelty. However, when done well, it's still highly effective and costs far less than other forms of online and offline media for engaging with customers and prospective buyers.

Keys to Email Success

As with any marketing activity, successful email campaigns require unique skill-sets, knowledge, and finesse. To be truly effective over time, email marketing takes the following:

  • A well-defined target audience:  the more relevant your content is to them, the better the results
  • Professionally developed emails and landing pages:  this includes messages that will resonate with the target audience along with the right flow and visual appeal
  • Considered delivery times:  be mindful of when people open more emails than not. Generally, Friday afternoons are terrible times to get attention. The audience and industry may have an impact as well.
  • Automated funnels:  one email will seldom do it - using an automated platform with a series of relevant emails delivered without spamming at the right times and under the right circumstances is key.
  • Don't constantly "pitch":  of course a little selling is perfectly fine, but your emails will be far more effective (and not unsubscribed) if they actually add value and give people something they want!

Email campaigns, like most of the marketing discipline, is about delivering the right message to the right people at the right time.

Automation Platforms

At the heart of any credible email program is the automation platform. One with the ability to pre-program hands-off lead nurturing campaigns, automate notifications and changing contact records, and many other time-saving tasks without human intervention.

Think2Grow works with many of today's leading email and marketing automation platforms. But, SharpSpring is our preferred tool of choice! It's a leading platform and CRM in one. It's similar to others like HubSpot, Marketo, InfusionSoft, and Pardot - but, for a fraction of the cost

T2G Marketing Automation Services

We are GOLD-certified SharpSpring experts. Combine that with our content and creative expertise, and you have the perfect SharpSpring partner. Here are some of the core email and automation services we can help with:

  • Complete platform setup, training (if applicable), and fine-tuning
  • Content creation, landing pages, emails, and templates
  • Marketing automation, CRM, and integrations
  • Lead generation campaigns, automated notifications, and lead scoring
  • SharpSpring Ecommerce integration
  • Analytics and ROI reporting
  • List building services

Find out how we can help. It starts with a short conversation.

Email Marketing
Email Marketing