Sales Tool Development

From the very beginning of the sales cycle to the final contract signature, sales tools play a key role in positioning your company and gaining trust.


From the very beginning of the sales cycle to the final contract signature, sales tools play a key role in positioning your company and gaining trust.

Arm Your Sales Team

Marketing plays a very important role after leads have been created. The professionalism, brand, and story kick into high gear once sales are engaged. Prospects want to learn more about you and your company, and this phase of the journey is often where deals are won or lost.

There are two important roles of your sales presentation materials at this point. First is to convey the needed technical or process information needed to help prospects make a buying decision. Second, it should convey the same level of professionalism and brand consistency as your marketing materials. Examples of sales tools include:

  • PowerPoint presentations and other aids that tell the story
  • Brochures and other product collateral including videos
  • Standardize proposal templates
  • Product information documents
  • Competitive comparisons and ROI calculators
  • Industry-specific case studies and testimonials

Along with the personal relationship efforts of the salesperson, these tools help bring the prospect from a point of interest to a point of purchase.

Arm Your Sales Team

Marketing plays a very important role after leads have been created. The professionalism, brand, and story kick into high gear once sales are engaged. Prospects want to learn more about you and your company, and this phase of the journey is often where deals are won or lost.

There are two important roles of your sales presentation materials at this point. First is to convey the needed technical or process information needed to help prospects make a buying decision. Second, it should convey the same level of professionalism and brand consistency as your marketing materials. Examples of sales tools include:

  • PowerPoint presentations and other aids that tell the story
  • Brochures and other product collateral including videos
  • Standardize proposal templates
  • Product information documents
  • Competitive comparisons and ROI calculators
  • Industry-specific case studies and testimonials

Along with the personal relationship efforts of the salesperson, these tools help bring the prospect from a point of interest to a point of purchase.

Marketing helps bring prospects in the door, but sales and the tools they use to do their jobs, get them over the finish line. Don't turn potential sales away by having sub-standard sales tools!

The Final Hurdle

So much effort and expense goes into finding and attracting prospects. Don't let poor sales tools stop you from closing deals that should be yours. We have sold for many years and have managed sales teams. Combining that with over 50 years of combined experience as marketers gives us valuable insight into how important it is to have effective resources when you are close to the end of the sales cycle.

Whether it's simply assessing what you currently have and making improvements, or building new ones from scratch - we will equip your sales team to make the best impression and impact possible!

The Final Hurdle

So much effort and expense goes into finding and attracting prospects. Don't let poor sales tools stop you from closing deals that should be yours. We have sold for many years and have managed sales teams. Combining that with over 50 years of combined experience as marketers gives us valuable insight into how important it is to have effective resources when you are close to the end of the sales cycle.

Whether it's simply assessing what you currently have and making improvements, or building new ones from scratch - we will equip your sales team to make the best impression and impact possible!

How can we help? It starts with a simple, short conversation.