Content Marketing

Thought-leadership using well-developed content is one of today's most effective ways to rise above the crowd in building awareness, leads, and sales.

Why Content Matters


. . . of B2B companies stated that winning vendors provided content to show ROI and/or build a business case


. . . of businesses choose companies that help them first by providing relevant content


. . . of customers have a more positive outlook on a company after reading custom content

What is Content Marketing?

What is Content Marketing?

According to the Content Marketing Institute (CMI), "Content marketing is a strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience — and, ultimately, to drive profitable customer action." Some of the strongest benefits of content marketing are that it:

  • Creates awareness in your marketplace 
  • Builds trust and credibility
  • Positions your company as an "authority"
  • Drives potential buyers to your website 
  • Improves search engine optimization

To help your business communicate effectively through all stages of the buying process, we offer a full range of digital and traditional content creation services. If it includes words, graphics, animation, images, or video, we can do it. Our goal is to help you deliver your key messages in ways that best position your offering to prospects and clients. 

“Content builds relationships. Relationships are built on trust. Trust drives revenue.” Andrew M. Davis - Best-selling author and one of the most influential marketers in the world.


  • Company and product overview videos
  • Weekly or bi-weekly articles and blogs
  • "How to" and educational videos
  • Sales presentations / overviews
  • Newsletters / on-going customer communications
  • Persuasive emails and landing pages
  • Buyer's guides, industry or trends Information  
  • Infographics and visual storytelling

Key to Content Marketing Success

Content marketing is not a one-time thing or a "set it and forget it" activity. For it to work effectively, it takes the following:

  • Carefully define your target audiences and know them intimately - the more relevant your content is to them, the better the results.
  • Focus on delivery as much as the content - people can't consume content they never see!
  • Be thoughtful about everything - what, when, and how will you say what matters? It really is about quality over quantity. You need to balance productivity with first impressions.
  • Consistency is critical, whether it's weekly, bi-weekly, monthly - plan a topics editorial calendar and stick to it!
  • It's about frequency as well.  Creating a blog every 4 months simply doesn't work. It takes time and without a steady-stream of content, you are quickly forgotten.

Our advice is to start a program that adds value to a well-defined target audience. Do this consistently and with quality while tracking and measuring your results so you can quickly adapt. Providing value in your content will attract people and keep them coming back for more!

It's a big investment, but to rank higher on Google and other search engines and attract the right people to your business, content today is not an option for B2B companies.

Find out how we can help get your marketing and sales content off the ground. It starts with a simple conversation.